The term of extinctive prescription embodies the rational concessive limitation of rights to facts, and compromise limitation of state-should-be to practical state. 消灭时效期间是体现权利让位于事实、应然状态让步并妥协于实然状态之合理限度的重要范畴。
Nature of right of the real claim and effects which it has on extinctive prescription 物上请求权的性质与消灭时效
Right of The Real Claim and Extinctive Prescription 物权请求权与消灭时效
The different views on the nature of right of the real claim should lead different views on whether extinctive prescription apply to right of the real claim. 对物上请求权性质的不同认识,导致对其是否罹于消灭时效的不同观点。
Part ⅱ mainly concerns about the researching point of the extinctive prescription object. 第二部分主要考察了研究消灭时效客体的切入点。
On the problem of accounting the time periods of civil rights 'extinctive prescription 民事权利诉讼时效期间的起算问题
But the extinctive prescription will not apply in registered immovable and movable property in order to vindicate the absolute validity of registration. 为维护登记的绝对效力,登记的不动产和动产不予适用消灭时效。
Therefore, the author has offered the suggestion of legislation on how to perfect the extinctive prescription system of our country. 从而,根据我国社会发展实际现状,对完善我国的消灭时效制度提出了立法建议。
The extinctive prescription system stems from praetor-law of ancient Rome. 消灭时效制度源自古罗马裁判官法。
Research on Extinctive Prescription System and Right of Claim in Civil Law 论消灭时效制度与民法请求权
A conclusion about explanation to the communal intentions of the parties can be reached that agreed guaranty period is a extinctive prescription. 对当事人约定保证期间的意思进行解释可得出结论:约定的保证期间的性质是诉讼时效。
The content of extinctive prescription system itself determines the object must have the element of limitation. 消灭时效制度本身的内容决定了消灭时效客体必须具备的要件;消灭时效的起算时间和法律效果则是考察消灭时效客体必须考虑的角度。
Civil legal jurists focus on the issue of extinctive prescription, which is regarded as a core issue. Jurist's Skill 诉讼时效制度既为一项古老的民法制度,其身后的理论研究自然丰富多彩,尤其是处于核心地位的诉讼时效效力问题倍受民法学家的青睐。法学家的技艺
The usucaption, together with the bona fide acquiring, extinctive prescription, registration of real property and possession, forms the system of the protection of right on property. 民法中的取得时效制度与善意取得、消灭时效制度、不动产登记制度及占有制度等一起,共同构成了一国财产权保护体系。
Such group actions, such as jurisdiction to case, determination to plaintiff competence, extinctive prescription, court costs and so on, are expounded. 对这类集团诉讼案件的管辖、原告资格的认定、诉讼时效及诉讼费用等进行了分析论证。
The study on extinctive prescription of right of the real claim may contribute to the academic ideas as well as constituting a new Real Law in China. 目前,正值我国物权法制定之际,本文旨在通过对物权请求权消灭时效制度的研究,希冀对我国的物权法理论和《物权法》立法及司法实践有所裨益。
The system of limitation of action from the first in Rome, such a system in some countries or regions are called extinctive prescription, while in our country it is known as the limitation of action. 诉讼时效制度最早出自于罗马,这种制度在有些国家或者地区被叫做消灭时效,而在我国则被称之为诉讼时效。
As a type of property claims, the right to request the correction of registration does not apply to the extinctive prescription. 更正登记请求权作为物权请求权,不适用消灭时效。
The Civil Law of our country does not provide for the system of right of the real claim, particularly the problem of right of the real claim applied for extinctive prescription or not, what brought about by the theoretical disputes and the confusion in the law applicable. 我国现行立法上没有关于物权请求权制度的具体规定,尤其是物权请求权是否适用诉讼时效的问题没有明确,这也带来了学界争议以及法律实践中法律适用的困惑与混乱。